jenkinsapi package¶
- jenkinsapi.command_line package
- jenkinsapi.utils package
- Submodules
- jenkinsapi.utils.crumb_requester module
- jenkinsapi.utils.jenkins_launcher module
- jenkinsapi.utils.jsonp_to_json module
- jenkinsapi.utils.krb_requester module
- jenkinsapi.utils.manifest module
- jenkinsapi.utils.requester module
- jenkinsapi.utils.simple_post_logger module
- Module contents
jenkinsapi.api module¶
This module is a collection of helpful, high-level functions for automating common tasks. Many of these functions were designed to be exposed to the command-line, hence they have simple string arguments.
- jenkinsapi.api.block_until_complete(jenkinsurl: str, jobs: List[str], maxwait: int = 12000, interval: int = 30, raise_on_timeout: bool = True, username: str = '', password: str = '', ssl_verify: bool = True) None [source]¶
Wait until all of the jobs in the list are complete.
- jenkinsapi.api.get_artifacts(jenkinsurl: str, jobname: str, build_no: int, username: str = '', password: str = '', ssl_verify: bool = True)[source]¶
Find all the artifacts for the latest build of a job.
- jenkinsapi.api.get_build(jenkinsurl: str, jobname: str, build_no: int, username: str = '', password: str = '', ssl_verify: bool = True) Build [source]¶
A convenience function to fetch down the test results from a jenkins job by build number.
- jenkinsapi.api.get_latest_build(jenkinsurl: str, jobname: str, username: str = '', password: str = '', ssl_verify: bool = True) Build [source]¶
A convenience function to fetch down the very latest test results from a jenkins job.
- jenkinsapi.api.get_latest_complete_build(jenkinsurl: str, jobname: str, username: str = '', password: str = '', ssl_verify: bool = True) Build [source]¶
A convenience function to fetch down the very latest test results from a jenkins job.
- jenkinsapi.api.get_latest_test_results(jenkinsurl: str, jobname: str, username: str = '', password: str = '', ssl_verify: bool = True) ResultSet [source]¶
A convenience function to fetch down the very latest test results from a jenkins job.
- jenkinsapi.api.get_nested_view_from_url(url: str, username: str = '', password: str = '', ssl_verify: bool = True) View [source]¶
Returns View based on provided URL. Convenient for nested views.
- jenkinsapi.api.get_view_from_url(url: str, username: str = '', password: str = '', ssl_verify: bool = True) View [source]¶
Factory method
- jenkinsapi.api.grab_artifact(jenkinsurl: str, jobname: str, artifactid, targetdir: str, username: str = '', password: str = '', strict_validation: bool = True, ssl_verify: bool = True) None [source]¶
Convenience method to find the latest good version of an artifact and save it to a target directory. Directory is made automatically if not exists.
- jenkinsapi.api.install_artifacts(artifacts, dirstruct: Dict[str, str], installdir: str, basestaticurl: str, strict_validation: bool = False)[source]¶
Install the artifacts.
- jenkinsapi.api.search_artifact_by_regexp(jenkinsurl: str, jobname: str, artifactRegExp: Pattern, username: str = '', password: str = '', ssl_verify: bool = True) Artifact [source]¶
Search the entire history of a Jenkins job for a build which has an artifact whose name matches a supplied regular expression. Return only that artifact.
@param jenkinsurl: The base URL of the jenkins server @param jobid: The name of the job we are to search through @param artifactRegExp: A compiled regular expression object
(not a re-string)
@param username: Jenkins login user name, optional @param password: Jenkins login password, optional
- jenkinsapi.api.search_artifacts(jenkinsurl: str, jobname: str, artifact_ids=None, username: str = '', password: str = '', ssl_verify: bool = True)[source]¶
Search the entire history of a jenkins job for a list of artifact names. If same_build is true then ensure that all artifacts come from the same build of the job
jenkinsapi.artifact module¶
Artifacts can be used to represent data created as a side-effect of running a Jenkins build.
Artifacts are files which are associated with a single build. A build can have any number of artifacts associated with it.
This module provides a class called Artifact which allows you to download objects from the server and also access them as a stream.
- class jenkinsapi.artifact.Artifact(filename: str, url: str, build: Build, relative_path: str | None = None)[source]¶
Represents a single Jenkins artifact, usually some kind of file generated as a by-product of executing a Jenkins build. module¶
A Jenkins build represents a single execution of a Jenkins Job.
Builds can be thought of as the second level of the Jenkins hierarchy beneath Jobs. Builds can have state, such as whether they are running or not. They can also have outcomes, such as whether they passed or failed.
Build objects can be associated with Results and Artifacts.
- class str, buildno: int, job: Job, depth: int = 1)[source]¶
Represents a Jenkins build, executed in context of a job.
- STR_TOTALCOUNT = 'totalCount'¶
- STR_TPL_NOTESTS_ERR = '%s has status %s, and does not have any test results'¶
- get_causes() List[str] [source]¶
Returns a list of causes. There can be multiple causes lists and some of the can be empty. For instance, when a build is manually aborted, Jenkins could add an empty causes list to the actions dict. Empty ones are ignored.
- get_changeset_items()[source]¶
Returns a list of changeSet items.
Each item has structure as in following example: {
- “affectedPaths”: [
], “author” : {
“absoluteUrl”: “http://jenkins_url/user/username79”, “fullName”: “username”
}, “commitId”: “3097”, “timestamp”: 1414398423091, “date”: “2014-10-27T08:27:03.091288Z”, “msg”: “commit message”, “paths”: [{
“editType”: “edit”, “file”: “/some/path/of/changed_file”
}], “revision”: 3097, “user”: “username”
- get_downstream_builds() List[Build] [source]¶
Get the downstream builds for this build :return List of Build or None
- get_downstream_job_names() List[str] [source]¶
Get the downstream job names for this build :return List of string or None
- get_downstream_jobs() List[Job] [source]¶
Get the downstream jobs for this build :return List of jobs or None
- get_env_vars() Dict[str, str] [source]¶
Return the environment variables.
This method is using the Environment Injector plugin:
- get_estimated_duration() int | None [source]¶
Return the estimated build duration (in seconds) or none.
- get_master_build() 'Build' | None [source]¶
Get the master build if it exist, None otherwise :return Build or None
- get_master_build_number() int | None [source]¶
Get the master build number if it exist, None otherwise :return: int or None
- get_master_job() Job | None [source]¶
Get the master job object if it exist, None otherwise :return: Job or None
- get_master_job_name() str | None [source]¶
Get the master job name if it exist, None otherwise :return: String or None
- get_matrix_runs() Iterator[Build] [source]¶
For a matrix job, get the individual builds for each matrix configuration :return: Generator of Build
- get_params() dict[str, str] [source]¶
Return a dictionary of params names and their values, or an empty dictionary if no parameters are returned.
- get_result_url() str [source]¶
Return the URL for the object which provides the job’s result summary.
- get_resultset() ResultSet [source]¶
Obtain detailed results for this build.
Raises NoResults if the build has no results.
- Returns:
- get_upstream_build() 'Build' | None [source]¶
Get the upstream build if it exist, None otherwise :return Build or None
- get_upstream_build_number() int | None [source]¶
Get the upstream build number if it exist, None otherwise :return: int or None
- get_upstream_job() Job | None [source]¶
Get the upstream job object if it exist, None otherwise :return: Job or None
- get_upstream_job_name() str | None [source]¶
Get the upstream job name if it exist, None otherwise :return: String or None
- is_good() bool [source]¶
Return a bool, true if the build was good. If the build is still running, return False.
- property name¶
- stop() bool [source]¶
Stops the build execution if it’s running :return: boolean True if succeeded False otherwis
jenkinsapi.config module¶
Jenkins configuration
jenkinsapi.constants module¶
Constants for jenkinsapi
jenkinsapi.credential module¶
Module for jenkinsapi Credential class
- class jenkinsapi.credential.AmazonWebServicesCredentials(cred_dict)[source]¶
AWS credential using the CloudBees AWS Credentials Plugin See
- Constructor expects following dict:
- {
‘credential_id’: str, Automatically set by jenkinsapi ‘displayName’: str, Automatically set by Jenkins ‘fullName’: str, Automatically set by Jenkins ‘description’: str, ‘accessKey’: str, ‘secretKey’: str, ‘iamRoleArn’: str, ‘iamMfaSerialNumber’: str
When creating credential via jenkinsapi automatic fields not need to be in dict
- class jenkinsapi.credential.Credential(cred_dict, jenkins_class='')[source]¶
Base abstract class for credentials
Credentials returned from Jenkins don’t hold any sensitive information, so there is nothing useful can be done with existing credentials besides attaching them to Nodes or other objects.
You can create concrete Credential instance: UsernamePasswordCredential or SSHKeyCredential by passing credential’s description and credential dict.
Each class expects specific credential dict, see below.
- class jenkinsapi.credential.SSHKeyCredential(cred_dict: dict)[source]¶
SSH key credential
- Constructr expects following dict:
- {
‘credential_id’: str, Automatically set by jenkinsapi ‘displayName’: str, Automatically set by Jenkins ‘fullName’: str, Automatically set by Jenkins ‘typeName’: str, Automatically set by Jenkins ‘description’: str, ‘userName’: str, ‘passphrase’: str, SSH key passphrase, ‘private_key’: str Private SSH key
private_key value is parsed to find type of credential to create:
private_key starts with - the value is private key itself
These credential variations are no longer supported by SSH Credentials plugin. jenkinsapi will raise ValueError if they are used:
private_key starts with / the value is a path to key private_key starts with ~ the value is a key from ~/.ssh
When creating credential via jenkinsapi automatic fields not need to be in dict
- property attrs¶
- class jenkinsapi.credential.SecretTextCredential(cred_dict)[source]¶
Secret text credential
- Constructor expects following dict:
- {
‘credential_id’: str, Automatically set by jenkinsapi ‘displayName’: str, Automatically set by Jenkins ‘fullName’: str, Automatically set by Jenkins ‘typeName’: str, Automatically set by Jenkins ‘description’: str, ‘secret’: str,
When creating credential via jenkinsapi automatic fields not need to be in dict
- class jenkinsapi.credential.UsernamePasswordCredential(cred_dict: dict)[source]¶
Username and password credential
- Constructor expects following dict:
- {
‘credential_id’: str, Automatically set by jenkinsapi ‘displayName’: str, Automatically set by Jenkins ‘fullName’: str, Automatically set by Jenkins ‘typeName’: str, Automatically set by Jenkins ‘description’: str, ‘userName’: str, ‘password’: str
When creating credential via jenkinsapi automatic fields not need to be in dict
jenkinsapi.credentials module¶
This module implements the Credentials class, which is intended to be a container-like interface for all of the Global credentials defined on a single Jenkins node.
- class jenkinsapi.credentials.Credentials(baseurl: str, jenkins_obj: Jenkins)[source]¶
This class provides a container-like API which gives access to all global credentials on a Jenkins node.
Returns a list of Credential Objects.
- class jenkinsapi.credentials.Credentials2x(baseurl: str, jenkins_obj: Jenkins)[source]¶
This class provides a container-like API which gives access to all global credentials on a Jenkins node.
Returns a list of Credential Objects.
jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions module¶
Module for custom_exceptions.
Where possible we try to throw exceptions with non-generic, meaningful names.
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.AlreadyExists[source]¶
Method requires POST and not GET
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.ArtifactBroken[source]¶
An artifact is broken, wrong
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.ArtifactsMissing[source]¶
Cannot find a build with all of the required artifacts.
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.BadParams[source]¶
Invocation was given bad or inappropriate params
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.BadURL[source]¶
A URL appears to be broken
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.FailedNoResults[source]¶
A build did not publish any results because it failed
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.JenkinsAPIException[source]¶
Base class for all errors
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.NoBuildData[source]¶
A job has no build data.
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.NoResults[source]¶
A build did not publish any results.
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.NotAuthorized[source]¶
Not Authorized to access resource
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.NotBuiltYet[source]¶
A job has no build data.
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.NotConfiguredSCM[source]¶
It’s a job that doesn’t have configured SCM
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.NotFound[source]¶
Resource cannot be found
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.NotInQueue[source]¶
It’s a job that is not in the queue
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.NotSupportSCM[source]¶
It’s a SCM that does not supported by current version of jenkinsapi
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.PostRequired[source]¶
Method requires POST and not GET
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.TimeOut[source]¶
Some jobs have taken too long to complete.
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.UnknownJob[source]¶
Jenkins does not recognize the job requested.
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.UnknownNode[source]¶
Jenkins does not recognize the node requested.
- exception jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.UnknownPlugin[source]¶
Jenkins does not recognize the plugin requested.
jenkinsapi.executor module¶
Module for jenkinsapi Executer class
- class jenkinsapi.executor.Executor(baseurl: str, nodename: str, jenkins_obj: Jenkins, number: int)[source]¶
Class to hold information on nodes that are attached as slaves to the master jenkins instance
jenkinsapi.executors module¶
This module implements the Executors class, which is intended to be a container-like interface for all of the executors defined on a single Jenkins node.
jenkinsapi.fingerprint module¶
Module for jenkinsapi Fingerprint
- class jenkinsapi.fingerprint.Fingerprint(baseurl: str, id_: str, jenkins_obj: Jenkins)[source]¶
Represents a jenkins fingerprint on a single artifact file ??
- RE_MD5 = re.compile('^([0-9a-z]{32})$')¶
jenkinsapi.jenkins module¶
Module for jenkinsapi Jenkins object
- class jenkinsapi.jenkins.Jenkins(baseurl: str, username: str = '', password: str = '', requester=None, lazy: bool = False, ssl_verify: bool = True, cert=None, timeout: int = 10, use_crumb: bool = True, max_retries=None)[source]¶
Represents a jenkins environment.
- build_job(jobname: str, params=None) None [source]¶
Invoke a build by job name :param jobname: name of exist job, str :param params: the job params, dict :return: none
- create_job(jobname: str, xml) Job [source]¶
Create a job
alternatively you can create job using Jobs object:[‘job_name’] = config :param jobname: name of new job, str :param config: configuration of new job, xml :return: new Job obj
- create_multibranch_pipeline_job(jobname, xml, block=True, delay=60)[source]¶
- Returns:
list of new Job objects
- create_node(name: str, num_executors: int = 2, node_description: str = '', remote_fs: str = '/var/lib/jenkins', labels=None, exclusive: bool = False) Node [source]¶
Create a new JNLP slave node by name.
To create SSH node, please see description in Node class
- Parameters:
name – fqdn of slave, str
num_executors – number of executors, int
node_description – a freetext field describing the node
remote_fs – jenkins path, str
labels – labels to associate with slave, str
exclusive – tied to specific job, boolean
- Returns:
node obj
- create_node_with_config(name: str, config) Node | None [source]¶
Create a new slave node with specific configuration. Config should be resemble the output of node.get_node_attributes() :param str name: name of slave :param dict config: Node attributes for Jenkins API request
to create node (See function output Node.get_node_attributes())
- Returns:
node obj
- property credentials¶
- property credentials_by_id¶
- delete_job(jobname: str) None [source]¶
Delete a job by name :param jobname: name of a exist job, str :return: new jenkins_obj
- delete_node(nodename: str) None [source]¶
Remove a node from the managed slave list Please note that you cannot remove the master node
- Parameters:
nodename – string holding a hostname
- Returns:
- delete_plugin(plugin: str | Plugin, restart: bool = True, force_restart: bool = False, wait_for_reboot: bool = True, no_reboot_warning: bool = False) None [source]¶
Delete a plugin and optionally restart jenkins. Will not delete dependencies. @param plugin: Plugin (string or Plugin object) to be deleted @param restart: Boolean, restart Jenkins when required by plugin @param force_restart: Boolean, force Jenkins to restart,
ignoring plugin preferences
- delete_plugins(plugin_list, restart: bool = True, force_restart: bool = False, wait_for_reboot: bool = True, no_reboot_warning: bool = False)[source]¶
Delete a list of plugins and optionally restart jenkins. Will not delete dependencies. @param plugin_list: List of plugins (strings, Plugin objects or
a mix of the two) to be deleted
@param restart: Boolean, restart Jenkins when required by plugin @param force_restart: Boolean, force Jenkins to restart,
ignoring plugin preferences
- get_credentials(cred_class=<class 'jenkinsapi.credentials.Credentials2x'>)[source]¶
Return credentials
- get_job(jobname: str) Job [source]¶
Get a job by name :param jobname: name of the job, str :return: Job obj
- get_job_by_url(url: str, job_name: str) Job [source]¶
Get a job by url :param url: jobs’ url :param jobname: name of the job, str :return: Job obj
- has_job(jobname: str) bool [source]¶
Does a job by the name specified exist :param jobname: string :return: boolean
- has_node(nodename: str) bool [source]¶
Does a node by the name specified exist :param nodename: string, hostname :return: boolean
- install_plugin(plugin: str | Plugin, restart: bool = True, force_restart: bool = False, wait_for_reboot: bool = True, no_reboot_warning: bool = False)[source]¶
Install a plugin and optionally restart jenkins. @param plugin: Plugin (string or Plugin object) to be installed @param restart: Boolean, restart Jenkins when required by plugin @param force_restart: Boolean, force Jenkins to restart,
ignoring plugin preferences
@param no_warning: Don’t show warning when restart is needed and restart parameters are set to False
- install_plugins(plugin_list, restart: bool = True, force_restart: bool = False, wait_for_reboot: bool = True, no_reboot_warning: bool = False) None [source]¶
Install a list of plugins and optionally restart jenkins. @param plugin_list: List of plugins (strings, Plugin objects or
a mix of the two) to be installed
@param restart: Boolean, restart Jenkins when required by plugin @param force_restart: Boolean, force Jenkins to restart,
ignoring plugin preferences
- property is_quieting_down: bool¶
- property jobs¶
- property nodes¶
- property plugins¶
- rename_job(jobname: str, newjobname: str) Job [source]¶
Rename a job :param jobname: name of a exist job, str :param newjobname: name of new job, str :return: new Job obj
- run_groovy_script(script: str) str [source]¶
Runs the requested groovy script on the Jenkins server returning the result as text. Raises a JenkinsAPIException if the returned HTTP response code from the POST request is not 200 OK.
server = Jenkins(…) script = ‘println “Hello world!”’ result = server.run_groovy_script(script) print(result) # will print “Hello world!”
- safe_exit(wait_for_exit: bool = True, max_wait: int = 360)[source]¶
Restarts jenkins when no jobs are running, except for pipeline jobs
- property version: str¶
Return version number of Jenkins
- property views¶
jenkinsapi.jenkinsbase module¶
Module for JenkinsBase class
jenkinsapi.job module¶
Module for jenkinsapi Job
- class jenkinsapi.job.Job(url: str, name: str, jenkins_obj: Jenkins)[source]¶
Represents a jenkins job A job can hold N builds which are the actual execution environments
- delete_build(build_number)[source]¶
Remove build
- Parameters:
build_number (int) – Build number
- Raises:
NotFound – When build is not found
- delete_from_queue()[source]¶
Delete a job from the queue only if it’s enqueued :raise NotInQueue if the job is not in the queue
- get_build_metadata(buildnumber)[source]¶
Get the build metadata for a given build number. For large builds with tons of tests, this method is faster than get_build by returning less data.
- get_buildnumber_for_revision(revision, refresh=False)[source]¶
- Parameters:
revision – subversion revision to look for, int
refresh – boolean, whether or not to refresh the revision -> buildnumber map
- Returns:
list of buildnumbers, [int]
- get_downstream_job_names()[source]¶
Get all the possible downstream job names :return List of String
- static get_full_name_from_url_and_baseurl(url, baseurl)[source]¶
Get the full name for a job (including parent folders) from the job URL.
- get_params()[source]¶
Get the parameters for this job. Format varies by parameter type. Here is an example string parameter:
- {
‘type’: ‘StringParameterDefinition’, ‘description’: ‘Parameter description’, ‘defaultParameterValue’: {‘value’: ‘default value’}, ‘name’: ‘FOO_BAR’
- get_queue_item()[source]¶
Return a QueueItem if this object is in a queue, otherwise raise an exception
- get_revision_dict()[source]¶
Get dictionary of all revisions with a list of buildnumbers (int) that used that particular revision
- get_scm_url()[source]¶
Get list of project SCM urls For some SCM’s jenkins allow to configure and use number of SCM url’s : return: list of SCM urls
- has_queued_build(build_params)[source]¶
Returns True if a build with build_params is currently queued.
- invoke(securitytoken=None, block: bool = False, build_params=None, cause=None, files=None, delay: int = 5, quiet_period=None) QueueItem [source]¶
- modify_scm_branch(new_branch, old_branch=None)[source]¶
Modify SCM (“Source Code Management”) branch name for configured job. :param new_branch : new repository branch name to set.
If job has multiple branches configured and “old_branch” not provided - method will allways modify first url.
- Parameters:
(optional) (old_branch) – exact value of branch name to be replaced. For some SCM’s jenkins allow set multiple branches per job this parameter intended to indicate which branch need to be modified
- modify_scm_url(new_source_url, old_source_url=None)[source]¶
Modify SCM (“Source Code Management”) url for configured job. :param new_source_url : new repository url to set.
If job has multiple repositories configured and “old_source_url” not provided - method will allways modify first url.
- Parameters:
(optional) (old_source_url) – for some SCM’s jenkins allows settting multiple repositories per job this parameter intended to indicate which repository need to be modified
- update_config(config, full_response=False, encoding='utf-8')[source]¶
Update the config.xml to the job Also refresh the ElementTree object since the config has changed :param full_response (optional): if True, it will return the full
response object instead of just the response text. Useful for debugging and validation workflows. module¶
This module implements the Jobs class, which is intended to be a container-like interface for all of the jobs defined on a single Jenkins server.
- class Jenkins)[source]¶
This class provides a container-like API which gives access to all jobs defined on the Jenkins server. It behaves like a dict in which keys are Job-names and values are actual jenkinsapi.Job objects.
- build(job_name: str, params=None, **kwargs) QueueItem [source]¶
Executes build of a job
- Parameters:
job_name (str) – Job name
params (dict) – Job parameters
kwargs – Parameters for Job.invoke() function
- Returns QueueItem:
Object to track build progress
- copy(job_name: str, new_job_name: str) Job [source]¶
Copy a job :param str job_name: Name of an existing job :param new_job_name: Name of new job :returns Job: new Job object
- create(job_name: str, config: str | bytes) Job [source]¶
Create a job
- Parameters:
jobname (str) – Name of new job
config (str) – XML configuration of new job
- Returns Job:
new Job object
- create_multibranch_pipeline(job_name: str, config: str, block: bool = True, delay: int = 60) list[Job] [source]¶
Create a multibranch pipeline job
- Parameters:
jobname (str) – Name of new job
config (str) – XML configuration of new job
block – block until scan is finished?
delay – max delay to wait for scan to finish (seconds)
:returns list of new Jobs after scan
jenkinsapi.label module¶
Module for jenkinsapi labels
- class jenkinsapi.label.Label(baseurl, labelname, jenkins_obj)[source]¶
Class to hold information on labels that tied to a collection of jobs
jenkinsapi.mutable_jenkins_thing module¶
Module for MutableJenkinsThing
jenkinsapi.node module¶
Module for jenkinsapi Node class
- class jenkinsapi.node.Node(jenkins_obj: Jenkins, baseurl: str, nodename: str, node_dict, poll: bool = True)[source]¶
Class to hold information on nodes that are attached as slaves to the master jenkins instance
- block_until_idle(timeout: int, poll_time: int = 5) None [source]¶
Blocks until the node become idle. :param timeout: Time in second when the wait is aborted. :param poll_time: Interval in seconds between each check. :@raise TimeOut
- get_available_physical_memory() int [source]¶
Returns the node’s available physical memory in bytes.
- get_clock_difference() int [source]¶
Returns the difference between the node’s clock and the master Jenkins clock. Used to detect out of sync clocks.
- get_config_element(el_name: str) str [source]¶
Returns simple config element.
Better not to be used to return “nodeProperties” or “launcher”
- get_labels() str | None [source]¶
Returns the labels for a slave as a string with each label separated by the ‘ ‘ character.
- get_monitor(monitor_name: str, poll_monitor=True) str [source]¶
Polls the node returning one of the monitors in the monitorData branch of the returned node api tree.
- get_node_attributes() dict [source]¶
Gets node attributes as dict
Used by Nodes object when node is created
- Returns:
Node attributes dict formatted for Jenkins API request to create node
- get_workspace_path() str [source]¶
Returns the local path to the node’s Jenkins workspace directory.
- get_workspace_size() int [source]¶
Returns the size in bytes of the node’s Jenkins workspace directory.
- load_config() None [source]¶
Loads the config.xml for the node allowing it to be re-queried without generating new requests.
- set_num_executors(value: int | str) None [source]¶
Sets number of executors for node
Warning! Setting number of executors on master node will erase all other settings
- set_offline(message='requested from jenkinsapi') None [source]¶
Set node offline. If after run node state has not been changed raise AssertionError. : param message: optional string explain why you are taking this
node offline
- set_online() None [source]¶
Set node online. Before change state verify client state: if node set ‘offline’ but ‘temporarilyOffline’ is not set - client has connection problems and AssertionError raised. If after run node state has not been changed raise AssertionError.
- toggle_temporarily_offline(message='requested from jenkinsapi') None [source]¶
Switches state of connected node (online/offline) and set ‘temporarilyOffline’ property (True/False) Calling the same method again will bring node status back. :param message: optional string can be used to explain why you
are taking this node offline
jenkinsapi.nodes module¶
Module for jenkinsapi nodes
- class jenkinsapi.nodes.Nodes(baseurl: str, jenkins_obj: Jenkins)[source]¶
Class to hold information on a collection of nodes
- create_node(name: str, node_dict: dict) Node [source]¶
Create a new slave node
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of slave
node_dict (dict) – node dict (See Node class)
- Returns:
node obj
- create_node_with_config(name: str, config: dict) Node | None [source]¶
Create a new slave node with specific configuration. Config should be resemble the output of node.get_node_attributes() :param str name: name of slave :param dict config: Node attributes for Jenkins API request
to create node (See function output Node.get_node_attributes())
- Returns:
node obj
- items() list[tuple[str, Node]] [source]¶
Return a copy of the container’s list of (name, node) pairs.
- iteritems() Iterator[tuple[str, Node]] [source]¶
Return an iterator over the container’s (name, node) pairs.
Using iteritems() while creating nodes may raise a RuntimeError or fail to iterate over all entries.
- iterkeys() Iterator[str] [source]¶
Return an iterator over the container’s node names.
Using iterkeys() while creating nodes may raise a RuntimeError or fail to iterate over all entries.
jenkinsapi.plugin module¶
Module for jenkinsapi Plugin
- class jenkinsapi.plugin.Plugin(plugin_dict: dict | str)[source]¶
Plugin class
jenkinsapi.plugins module¶
jenkinsapi plugins
- class jenkinsapi.plugins.Plugins(url: str, jenkins_obj: Jenkins)[source]¶
Plugins class for jenkinsapi
- plugin_version_already_installed(plugin) bool [source]¶
Check if plugin version is already installed
- plugin_version_is_being_installed(plugin) bool [source]¶
Return true if plugin is currently being installed.
- property restart_required¶
Call after plugin installation to check if Jenkins requires a restart
- property update_center_dict¶
- property update_center_install_status¶
Jenkins 2.x specific
jenkinsapi.queue module¶
Queue module for jenkinsapi
- class jenkinsapi.queue.Queue(baseurl: str, jenkins_obj: Jenkins)[source]¶
Class that represents the Jenkins queue
jenkinsapi.result module¶
Module for jenkinsapi Result
jenkinsapi.result_set module¶
Module for jenkinsapi ResultSet
jenkinsapi.view module¶
Module for jenkinsapi views
- class jenkinsapi.view.View(url: str, name: str, jenkins_obj: Jenkins)[source]¶
View class
- add_job(job_name: str, job=None) bool [source]¶
Add job to a view
- Parameters:
job_name – name of the job to be added
job – Job object to be added
- Returns:
True if job has been added, False if job already exists or job not known to Jenkins
- remove_job(job_name: str) bool [source]¶
Remove job from a view
- Parameters:
job_name – name of the job to be removed
- Returns:
True if job has been removed, False if job not assigned to this view
- property views¶
jenkinsapi.views module¶
Module for jenkinsapi Views
- class jenkinsapi.views.Views(jenkins)[source]¶
An abstraction on a Jenkins object’s views
- CATEGORIZED_VIEW = 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.categorizedview.CategorizedJobsView'¶
- DASHBOARD_VIEW = 'hudson.plugins.view.dashboard.Dashboard'¶
- LIST_VIEW = 'hudson.model.ListView'¶
- MY_VIEW = 'hudson.model.MyView'¶
- NESTED_VIEW = 'hudson.plugins.nested_view.NestedView'¶
- create(view_name, view_type='hudson.model.ListView', config=None)[source]¶
Create a view :param view_name: name of new view, str :param view_type: type of the view, one of the constants in Views, str :param config: XML configuration of the new view :return: new View obj or None if view was not created
Module contents¶
About this library¶
Jenkins is the market leading continuous integration system, originally created by Kohsuke Kawaguchi. This API makes Jenkins even easier to use by providing an
easy to use conventional python interface.
Jenkins (and It’s predecessor Hudson) are fantastic projects - but they are somewhat Java-centric. Thankfully the designers have provided an excellent and complete REST interface. This library wraps up that interface as more conventional python objects in order to make most Jenkins oriented tasks simpler.
This library can help you:
Query the test-results of a completed build
Get a objects representing the latest builds of a job
Search for artifacts by simple criteria
Block until jobs are complete
Install artifacts to custom-specified directory structures
username/password auth support for jenkins instances with auth turned on
Ability to search for builds by subversion revision
Ability to add/remove/query jenkins slaves
Installing JenkinsAPI¶
Egg-files for this project are hosted on PyPi. Most Python users should be able to use pip or distribute to automatically install this project.
Most users can do the following:
easy_install jenkinsapi
If you’d like to install in multi-version mode:
easy_install -m jenkinsapi