Using Jenkins API¶
JenkinsAPI lets you query the state of a running Jenkins server. It also allows you to change configuration and automate minor tasks on nodes and jobs.
Example 1: Get version of Jenkins¶
from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins
def get_server_instance():
jenkins_url = 'http://jenkins_host:8080'
server = Jenkins(jenkins_url, username='foouser', password='foopassword')
return server
if __name__ == '__main__':
print get_server_instance().version
The above code prints version of Jenkins running on the host jenkins_host.
From Jenkins vesion 1.426 onward one can specify an API token instead of your real password while authenticating the user against Jenkins instance. Refer to the the Jenkis wiki page Authenticating scripted clients for details about how a user can generate an API token. Once you have API token you can pass the API token instead of real password while creating an Jenkins server instance using Jenkins API.
Example 2: Get details of jobs running on Jenkins server¶
"""Get job details of each job that is running on the Jenkins instance"""
def get_job_details():
# Refer Example #1 for definition of function 'get_server_instance'
server = get_server_instance()
for job_name, job_instance in server.get_jobs():
print 'Job Name:%s' % (
print 'Job Description:%s' % (job_instance.get_description())
print 'Is Job running:%s' % (job_instance.is_running())
print 'Is Job enabled:%s' % (job_instance.is_enabled())
Example 3: Disable/Enable a Jenkins Job¶
"""Disable a Jenkins job"""
def disable_job():
# Refer Example #1 for definition of function 'get_server_instance'
server = get_server_instance()
job_name = 'nightly-build-job'
if (server.has_job(job_name)):
job_instance = server.get_job(job_name)
print 'Name:%s,Is Job Enabled ?:%s' % (job_name,job_instance.is_enabled())
Use the call job_instance.enable()
to enable a Jenkins Job.
Example 4: Get Plugin details¶
Below chunk of code gets the details of the plugins currently installed in the Jenkins instance.
def get_plugin_details():
# Refer Example #1 for definition of function 'get_server_instance'
server = get_server_instance()
for plugin in server.get_plugins().values():
print "Short Name:%s" % (plugin.shortName)
print "Long Name:%s" % (plugin.longName)
print "Version:%s" % (plugin.version)
print "URL:%s" % (plugin.url)
print "Active:%s" % (
print "Enabled:%s" % (plugin.enabled)
Example 5: Getting version information from a completed build¶
This is a typical use of JenkinsAPI - it was the very first use I had in mind when the project was first built: In a continuous-integration environment you want to be able to programatically detect the version-control information of the last succsessful build in order to trigger some kind of release process.:
from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins
def getSCMInfroFromLatestGoodBuild(url, jobName, username=None, password=None):
J = Jenkins(url, username, password)
job = J[jobName]
lgb = job.get_last_good_build()
return lgb.get_revision()
if __name__ == '__main__':
print getSCMInfroFromLatestGoodBuild('http://localhost:8080', 'fooJob')
When used with the Git source-control system line 20 will print out something like ‘8b4f4e6f6d0af609bb77f95d8fb82ff1ee2bba0d’ - which looks suspiciously like a Git revision number.