JenkinsAPI ========== Jenkins is the market leading continuous integration system, originally created by Kohsuke Kawaguchi. This API makes Jenkins even easier to use by providing an easy to use conventional Python interface. Jenkins (and It's predecessor Hudson) are fantastic projects - but they are somewhat Java-centric. Thankfully the designers have provided an excellent and complete REST interface. This library wraps up that interface as more conventional Python objects in order to make most Jenkins oriented tasks simpler. This library can help you: * Query the test-results of a completed build * Get a objects representing the latest builds of a job * Search for artifacts by simple criteria * Block until jobs are complete * Install artifacts to custom-specified directory structures * Username/password auth support for jenkins instances with auth turned on * Search for builds by subversion revision * Add, remove and query jenkins slaves Sections ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 api artifact build using_jenkinsapi ../CONTRIBUTING Important Links --------------- Support & bug-reports Project source code github: Project documentation Releases Installation ------------- Egg-files for this project are hosted on PyPi. Most Python users should be able to use pip or setuptools to automatically install this project. Most users can do the following: .. code-block:: bash pip install jenkinsapi * In Jenkins > 1.518 you will need to disable "Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits". * Remember to set the Jenkins Location in general settings - Jenkins REST web-interface will not work if this is set incorrectly. Examples -------- JenkinsAPI is intended to map the objects in Jenkins (e.g. Builds, Views, Jobs) into easily managed Python objects:: Python 2.7.4 (default, Apr 19 2013, 18:28:01) [GCC 4.7.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import jenkinsapi >>> from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins >>> J = Jenkins('http://localhost:8080') >>> J.keys() # Jenkins objects appear to be dict-like, mapping keys (job-names) to ['foo', 'test_jenkinsapi'] >>> J['test_jenkinsapi'] >>> J['test_jenkinsapi'].get_last_good_build() JenkinsAPI lets you query the state of a running Jenkins server. It also allows you to change configuration and automate minor tasks on nodes and jobs. You can use Jenkins to get information about recently completed builds. For example, you can get the revision number of the last successful build in order to trigger some kind of release process.:: from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins def getSCMInfroFromLatestGoodBuild(url, jobName, username=None, password=None): J = Jenkins(url, username, password) job = J[jobName] lgb = job.get_last_good_build() return lgb.get_revision() if __name__ == '__main__': print getSCMInfroFromLatestGoodBuild('http://localhost:8080', 'fooJob') When used with the Git source-control system line 20 will print out something like '8b4f4e6f6d0af609bb77f95d8fb82ff1ee2bba0d' - which looks suspiciously like a Git revision number. Note: As of Jenkins version 1.426, and above, an API token can be specified instead of your real password, while authenticating the user against the Jenkins instance. Refer to the the Jenkis wiki page [Authenticating scripted clients]( for details about how a user can generate an API token. Once you have obtained an API token you can pass the API token instead of real password while creating an Jenkins server instance using Jenkins API. Tips & Tricks ------------- Getting the installed version of JenkinsAPI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This package supports PEP-396 by implementing a __version__ attribute. This contains a string in the format x.y.z: >>> import jenkinsapi >>> print(jenkinsapi.__version__) 0.2.23 There is also a command-line tool for use in the shell: .. code-block:: bash $ jenkinsapi_version 0.2.23 Project Authors =============== * Salim Fadhley ( * Ramon van Alteren ( * Ruslan Lutsenko ( * Aleksey Maksimov * Clinton Steiner Plus many others, please see the README file for a more complete list of contributors and how to contact them. Extending and Improving JenkinsAPI ================================== JenkinsAPI is a pure-Python project and can be improved with almost any programmer's text-editor or IDE. I'd recommend the following project layout which has been shown to work with both SublimeText2 and Eclipse/PyDev * Make sure that pip and uv are installed on your computer. On most Linux systems these can be installed directly by the OS package-manager. * Change to the new directory and check out the project code into the **src** subdirectory:: cd jenkinsapi git clone src * Install python dependencies and test the project .. code-block:: bash uv venv uv python install uv run pytest -sv --cov=jenkinsapi --cov-report=term-missing --cov-report=xml jenkinsapi_tests * Set up your IDE/Editor configuration - the **misc** folder contains configuration for Sublime Text 2. I hope in time that other developers will contribute useful configurations for their favorite development tools. Testing ------- The project maintainers welcome any code-contributions. Please consider the following when you contribute code back to the project: * All contributions should come as github pull-requests. Please do not send code-snippets in email or as attachments to issues. * Please take a moment to clearly describe the intended goal of your pull-request. * Please ensure that any new feature is covered by a unit-test Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`